Parliamentary Projects, providing information and analysis on governmental and parliamentary campaigns






Parliamentary Help Desk, providing information and analysis on governmental and parliamentary campaigns



Parliamentary Help Desk, providing information and analysis on governmental and parliamentary campaigns


“ The first stage of knowledge is to know what you do not know ”

Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield, UK Prime Minister 1868 and 1874-1880


Inward investors to the UK, and the foreign diplomats here that assist them, have a crucial need for information and insights on the latest legal, accounting, financial and regulatory changes in the UK. This Insights Hub will provide a “What’s On “ and " What's New" of the latest seminars, webinars , podcasts, editorials, and news insights of issues affecting inward investors to the UK.

We highlight below a number of significant areas of interest to investors to the UK with links to insights from leading law experts:

1. Please click on the RPC Tax button below for free access to a number of very interesting podcasts that will help inbound investors to the UK navigate our tax system together with a summary of the implications of the recent 2024 UK Autumn Budget. Adam Craggs, one of the UK's leading tax lawyers, heads up the tax practice at the preeminent law firm RPC and Adam and his team set out in the RPC link below the key matters inbound investors need to know.

2. The Autumn Budget will have some significant implications for the Cultural, Arts and Creative sectors of the UK economy and inbound investors to the Uk will find RPC's analysis of these most useful. Click on the RPC Art and Cultural button below.

3. For international investors and organisations, cross-border litigation and class actions is a growing concern . The esteemed global law firm, Jones Day, provides a number of excellent and erudite seminars and insights on the legal issues in this field and can be accessed by clicking on the Jones Day link below.

4. Another area of concern and interest is in the ever-changing field of employment law. The internationally acclaimed law firm Arnold & Porter provide a series of news updates and insights free-of-charge and can be viewed by clicking on their link below.

5. We are particularly pleased to include below a number of insights from Ben Larkin, also of Jones Day, one of the UK's foremost restructuring and insolvency lawyers.

6. The UK Life Sciences sector represents one of the most creative and modern aspects to the UK economy. To navigate the complex rules and regulations in this extremely competitive area, please read further materials supplied by the world's leading law firm on life sciences, DLA Piper

7. The regulation and law surrounding the UK's financial services sector is at a major stage of proposed reforms and increased regulatory activity. Panos Katsambas, a worldwide recognised expert in this area,and his team at Reed Smith share below their latest thoughts.

8. The pre-eminent law firm Clifford Chance have extremely useful and erudite thoughts and insights on the law and practice relating to regulatory investigations and enforcements. Click on their link below.




Parliamentary Help Desk, providing information and analysis on governmental and parliamentary campaigns




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Employment and Immigration Law

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Parliamentary Help Desk, providing information and analysis on governmental and parliamentary campaigns









